Everyone knows that money is not the only motivating factor for employees when it comes to job satisfaction. In fact, many people would gladly take a drop in salary if it meant they would be able to work in a great environment. Here are 4 ways in which you can create a great work environment!1) Ensure that your employees are comfortable. This may sound like a no-brainer, but because your staff spend a large portion of their lives at work, it is vital that they are able to work comfortably and happily. Therefore, try to give them as much freedom as possible when it comes to their choice of desk, whether they want a standing or sitting desk. Do they want a yoga ball as a chair? Why not?2) Have fun together. Yes, you are ultimately here to work, but who says you can’t have fun, too? If it’s someone’s birthday, anniversary, engagement, etc., celebrate it by having cake in the office, going out for lunch together or enjoying other fun and creative events. Not only does this create a fun atmosphere, but it also fosters teamwork and collaboration, making it easier to work together.3) Communicate face-to-face with employees. In this digital age, it is always tempting to send emails and instant messages to employees. Especially when it comes to feedback, it is so much better to receive this in person because your employee will understand that they are a valued member of staff and not just a number.4) Ensure that you provide adequate training for your employees. No one enjoys performing badly. When this is the case, it is often because the correct training has not been provided. Always ensure that there are ample opportunities for training and continuous further development courses so that employees can perform optimally and take pride in their work.
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