Did you know that half of all hourly workers leave their job in the first 120 days?
For organizations, onboarding can get tricky. Proper training and orientation are important for new hires. This helps them become part of a team. According to a 2017 Brandon Hall Group study, organizations that invest in a robust onboarding process see their new hire retention rate grow to 82%.
Good onboarding practices help employees understand the company's goals and values. They are more aware of the exciting opportunities and their work responsibilities.
Often though, new employees are unclear about their work roles. An HCI study had over 58% of organizations stating that their onboarding program only focused on paperwork and processes.
Overlooking the significance of onboarding makes employees feel like they are not a part of the company. If employees feel aloof from their organization, they will tend to switch jobs and look for a welcoming environment. Organizations need to add onboarding practices so that the new employees can understand more about the company's culture.
Employees need to feel that they are contributing to the firm's success - and not that their endeavors were futile. According to a TinyPulse survey, uninspiring work culture leads to employee resignation. Employees who don't like the work culture are 15% more likely to look to switch jobs.
It's not a shock when employee retention is strongly dependent on the management styles of the firm. Research states that leadership styles can directly impact employee retention rates. Micro-management and rigid management styles create high dissatisfaction amongst employees.
When you integrate the following onboarding practices, you can enhance the workplace experience for your employees, and they won't resign.
Why throw away the first day of employment just in introductions and signing documents? Technology enables new hires to immediately acquaint themselves with their new company and team. Talcura is your one-stop solution to help make recruiting and onboarding easier. Get the onboarding documents signed electronically and introduce the team via a video call.
Team leaders will have access to important information - like the employee handbook during the preboarding procedure, as the employees will be familiar with the company policies.
Though many employees don't require welcome treatment on their first day, it's good for others to become aware of who they are and their job roles. New employees will make connections, but knowing the team makes it a lot easier. Sending an email blast to current employees about the new hire is a good start.
When a company is getting new employees on board, it is tedious to keep track of every step. Utilizing Talcura's software can help employers during the onboarding procedure. This enables the new employee to keep track of the shifts and schedules in advance.
Teamwork is a daunting process for many employees from remote cultures. To make onboarding easier, organizations can look online. For example, organizations can use custom simulations to enhance communication between current and new employees.
Inform new hires about career development opportunities during onboarding. Access to career coaching, educational opportunities, and other developments is a plus.
Employees can leave the company for different reasons – and poor onboarding is one of the primary reasons.
Through Talcura's simple onboarding system, your organization can easily source, choose, and retain eligible job candidates. We help take away your burden of administering different tasks.